Sunday, April 24, 2011


Most of the blogs I read on a daily basis have one thing in common. They all use lots of pictures. I'm so jealous sometimes and then I feel guilty and then determined. So, here are a backlog of pictures I have been meaning to show you.
We finally painted the master closet! Yay!! Now we have to finish dry-walling the master bedroom and guest room, then we can paint those and put carpet down.
We also began tiling the bathroom. It is fairly simple except for the fancy tile. But it's purty.

Just a closeup of the fancy tile. I thought it looked like a four-leaf clover. Maybe it'll bring us luck.
We are also putting in sub floor heating! That's going to be fantastic come this winter. Now to the outside.
 My white crocus!
And my purple crocus. We also had some yellow ones come up but I forgot to take pictures of them.
 This is my tulip and daffodil garden. We planted them late and so I wasn't sure any would come up this year. But they did!
Just a close up. My tulips have all disappeared now but the daffodils are still going strong.
 My first strawberry!
Same strawberry but a little more ripe. I was going to post another picture of the fully ripe strawberry and me eating it but the bugs got to it before I could :(
I will end today with a very cute woolly caterpillar. Isn't it adorable? I thought so.

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