Welcome to ChickenScratch! I've tried starting a blog once or twice, but I never could quite get it off the ground...or desk. Probably because I was in college at the time and didn't really have anything interesting to say.
Now, however, I am out of college, didn't graduate because the Farmer, my husband, got a promotion, but when we save up enough money, I will be going back to finish.
Who am I? My name is Melissa Hanneken and I think I finally have something interesting to write about.
Ever since I was little I have been writing stories. Well, try telling your family and teachers that you want to write books for a living. For most, it's a pipe dream. For me, it was an impossibility. Life is too expensive to not have a regular source of income.
Then I met the Farmer. When he got his promotion and we moved out to the Nashville area, we went over our finances and found that, if we lived carefully, I wouldn't have to get a job and could stay home( a little bitty apartment) and write.
Well, for almost two years now, we have done just that. Living carefully and frugally isn't hard for either of us and because of that we have now bought a house with five acres!
This blog is about moving from the city into the country, remodeling...ok, almost completely gutting and redoing the old house, and me learning to be a farmers wife.
So, welcome to my blog about my life and our farm ChickenScratch.
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